Nicolas Mesa

Dad, husband, geek

Var vs Let vs Const

Hi there! In this post, we’re going to talk about javascript. We’ll start by looking at some examples of var, let and const variable declarations and their properties. Then we’re going to go through my recommendations of when to use each one. var var is the original way to do variable declaration in javascript. Here’s an example of how you can declare a variable using var: var myVariable = 10; var is function-scoped Variables defined using var are function scoped. Read more →

What Happens When You Type a Url in Your Browser and Press Enter

Disclaimer: Hello! This is my first blog post! I’m super excited to share it with the world but should also warn you that it’s a bit long and repetitive. Hopefully, I’ll become a better writer as I blog more. I hope you enjoy it :) Introduction I’ve heard this question many times during my career and want to try to answer it. I’m going to dive deep into the networking part of the question since this is the part that I find the most interesting. Read more →